Wednesday, November 28, 2007

SEO projects in India

Western countries outsource their SEO projects to India and we all know the reason!
Indian SEO companies get those projects and ofcource they want to make money too.. so, many SEO companies in India give away those projects to independent SEO specialists, the so called Free lancers for a very cheap price than having in house SEO professionals. This is the scene in India.

SEO is a BOOMING industry and we all know that. Many recruiters dont know much about the DOs and Donts of SEO, so people (who call themselves SEO Professionals) find it quite easy to bullshit some crap and make their ways to get in as "SEO Specialists".

SEO ofcourse is a very promising field. And if you have a marketing degree then its definitely a plus! One has to do a lot of research, participate in SEO discussions and keep oneself updated about the current trends to be in the game.


CHEERS to the people who wear WHITE HATS!!


Jagadeesh M said...
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Jagadeesh M said...

There are some but dont fault on all, if your interested to learn more folow here


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