Friday, December 14, 2007

New in RSS

A better way to get news

We'd like to let you know about an open technology call RSS (Rich Site Summary) that we're employing to keep you up to date with new content on the site.

For those of you who are not familiar with RSS - it is a means by which publishers can alert their audience when new content is available. As an RSS subscriber, you can use a web based program (such as MyYahoo!) or a desktop program (such as Feedreader ) to efficiently view RSS feeds from your favorite publications in one place. Some publications offering RSS feeds include the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, IBM's online Press Room and just about every blog on the internet.

IBM offers RSS feeds

All of our press release categories have an RSS feed to which you can subscribe. You can also use our custom RSS feed tool to combine several categories into one feed. What does this do for you? Well, if you subscribe to the feed, you will be alerted whenever there is new material available. There is no clutter in your email inbox and there is no need to share any of your personal information to sign up. You read the articles only when you wish - and if you get interested in subscribing to RSS feeds from other publishers you will enjoy the efficiency that this open technology already delivers to many others who have a need to stay up to date with a wide variety of news sources.

To get started you will need to either use a web based RSS feed reader or a desktop application. Since every application works differently, we can't supply directions for them all. However, we can point you to two free RSS feed readers we've liked using, MyYahoo! and Feedreader.


To get started with MyYahoo!, go to and initiate an account.

From the MyYahoo! start page, click "Add Content"

Click "Add RSS by URL"

Cut and paste the URL of the desired RSS feed (examples below) into the blank field and click "Add"

The feed will be verified, click "Add to MyYahoo!" to finish


To get started with Feedreader, download the free program from

Click the "Add new feed" icon

Cut and paste the RSS feed into the blank filed and click "Next"

The feed will be verified, click "Finish"

More IBM RSS feeds are available at

Find your personal reader:

AmphetaDesk is a personal news aggregator that sits on your desktop.
Feedreader is free software that reads and displays internet newsfeeds.
Headline viewer is a desktop client for syndicated news in RSS and many other formats, with over 500 built-in news sources. (Win)
Hotsheet provides an RSS news retrieval program witten in Java 2.
(Win/Mac/Linux) focuses on Java news, articles and blogs.
News is free lets you create your own customized news page with feeds from the sites your interested in. (Web)
Novobot is a smart headline viewer and news ticker that can also process almost any website. (Web)
Radio UserLand provides a full-strength news-reading application on your desktop. (Mac/Win)
rss2email reads RSS feeds and sends each new item to you as an e-mail. RSS News reader is an aggregation of RSS content using SQLData XML Technologies. (Web)



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